You can find the recording of this training on Vimeo by clicking here or the button above.

In this training you will:

  • Understand how secure attachment is a core ingredient of spiritual growth & discipleship.

  • Learn to meet the needs of different attachment styles of the people you serve.

  • Expand strategies to facilitate security with God and others in one-on-one care, through small groups, and from behind the pulpit.

  • Learn about what it means to be a “good enough pastor” (or ministry leader) - and why you don’t need to be perfect.

  • Understand how to address shame, guilt, and sin from a relational approach.

  • Learn the science of rupture and repair in attachment, and how to use it during difficult conversations.

Are you a student, have a financial need, or work with a BIPOC community? Email me and ask for a 50% discount code. No questions asked!


Sources for training:

Albert, L. S., & Horowitz, L. M. (2009). Attachment Styles and Ethical Behavior: Their Relationship and Significance in the Marketplace. Journal of Business Ethics, 87(3), 299–316.

Beck, R. (2011). Unclean: Meditations on Purity, Hospitality, and Mortality. United States: Cascade Books.

Benner, D. G. (2015). The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery. United States: InterVarsity Press.

Eastman, S. G. (2017). Paul and the Person: Reframing Paul's Anthropology. United States: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Hong YR, Park JS. Impact of attachment, temperament and parenting on human development. Korean J Pediatr. 2012 Dec;55(12):449-54. doi: 10.3345/kjp.2012.55.12.449. Epub 2012 Dec 20. PMID: 23300499; PMCID: PMC3534157.

Johnson, D. S. (2013). Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships. United States: Little, Brown.

Johnson, S. (2008). Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love. United States: Little, Brown.

Johnson, M., Lakoff, G. (2008). Metaphors We Live By. United States: University of Chicago Press.

Kirkpatrick, L. A., & Hazan, C. (1994). Attachment styles and close relationships: A four-year prospective study. Personal Relationships, 1(2), 123–142.

Miller, K., Miller Mth Lmft, K., Cook, A. (2018). Boundaries for Your Soul: How to Turn Your Overwhelming Thoughts and Feelings Into Your Greatest Allies. United States: Thomas Nelson Incorporated.

Karen, Robert Becoming Attached: First Relationships and How They Shape Our Capacity to Love (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 241–42.

O Tuama, P. (2015). In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World. United Kingdom: John Murray Press.

Thompson, C. (2015). The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves. United States: InterVarsity Press.

Tronick, E., Gold, C. M. (2020). The Power of Discord: Why the Ups and Downs of Relationships Are the Secret to Building Intimacy, Resilience, and Trust. United States: Little, Brown.

Wilder, J., Hendricks, M. (2020). The Other Half of Church: Christian Community, Brain Science, and Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation. United States: Moody Publishers.

Winnicott, D. W. (2009). Winnicott On The Child. United States: Hachette Books.

Xu X, Liu Z, Gong S, Wu Y. The Relationship between Empathy and Attachment in Children and Adolescents: Three-Level Meta-Analyses. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 26;19(3):1391. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031391. PMID: 35162410; PMCID: PMC8835466.

Brad Jersak message - 

Attachment questionnaire:

Dr. Jim Hawkins about Forgiveness Conversations

Say Something by Great Big World  (listen in the context of faith deconstruction)

The Mid-Faith Crisis Podcast

Mako Nagasawa’s work